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How to start your own blog at

Step 1 : Click Here to go blogger website.
Step 2 : When the page appear, click over the middle button " Create Your Blog "

Step 3 : A login page will appears if you are not log in , fill your login details of your Gmail account. 

Step 4 : A blog configuration page will show up, in start change the language to english from the top dropbox as shown in below image. 

Step 5 : My recommendation would be select Blogger Profile, so press on " Create a limited Blogger profile" button .

Step 6 : in Confirm your Profile page , Type the name you would like people to a view your details informations, so you type the name for the screen, then press continue to Blogger. 
Step 7 : For the current step just press on " Maybe later "
Step 8 : The webpage which is appear contains an orange button in middle of the page press / click on "Create new blog" button to create your first blog with blogger.

Step 9  : A window call " Blogs List > Create a new blog " , Fill the form :

Title : With Title you would like blog to hold.

Address : Find short quick to remember address and because you want start free one without any cost , you would type in the following syntax  "", the red text is where you would select name or title for your blog.

Step 9 : Select The theme you would like from the list then Click over "Create blog ! " button

Congrats you first blog ready to go . 


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