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YouTube Channel With Multi Manager

Step 1 : Visit your Channel which you want share the load with others.
Step 2 : From the Right hand side Account Icon , 
  • Click Over like you are going to switch the YouTube channel from their 
  • Click Over  YouTube Setting Icon , to take you to Account Setting Page 

Step 3 : Under overview  Section , their is a sub Section would be title as Managers with hyperlink which is "Add or remove managers" , Click Over "Add or remove managers". 

Step 4: The Brand Account details page  will show up , and their would be a blue button which title as Manage Permissions which should be click over. 

Step 5 : Will pop up as you can see from above image Manage Permissions Screen .
  •  Press over Invite new users ,
  •  and add as many as you would like user to collaborate with to create content in YouTube . 
  • From Dropbox Select type of  role you would like to provide bulk of users 
  • Then Click Invite 
  • The Invited people must accept invitation, so they able to collaborate, those invitation would be send as an email to their accounts.
  • After that click done in Manage permissions 

After do all this steps and everybody accept their invitation , we so excited to inform you that you can collaborate with each other now . 


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